Sunday, December 25, 2011

books and polish, what more do i need?

smoke and ashes with electrify on top! Super rad
So if you have yet to read the hunger games, do it!  Its one of the most awesome trilogy’s ever, bold statement but its true!  I promise that if you read them you won’t feel like that was a waste of time and money.  Having said that there making a movie slated to be out in the end of March.  I am always terrified when they make a movie of books that I love, twilight once was something that I enjoyed so much.  Ruined by the whinny acting of Kristin Steward and Rob Pattinson, they were an awful Edward and BELLA!  Yet I digress, the best part when a movie comes out is all the cool products trying to cash in the popularity.  China Glaze has my money locked up already in a hunger games polish collection!  I think it looks Amazing!  The colors seem to really fit the story and are fierce on top of it!  (I’m super excited and you can tell by the over used of the exclamation mark!)  March 1st I will hit the beauty supply and buy more then I need, and run straight home and paint my nails!

            I made the pilgrimage to the mother store, (Sephoa) to get the new D&G for the boyfriend, its sex in a bottle.  And I have to say that I’m ready for Christmas holiday crap to be over.  Bring on some bright eye shadow and sexy lipstick!  I love some dark polish, year long staple really.  But I need the hope of spring the way only pink and turquoise can bring.

            On another note, I can’t believe anyone has read my blogg!  I have 2 followers; I don’t know who they are but there too cool for words.  And I know my friends Lisa and Andi have read it.  How do I know you ask?  Lisa my super sweet friend got me the kick ass eye lashes that I wanted!! There beautiful and I can’t wait to wear them, Vegas anyone?  So I am going to get a camera this coming January and when I do photos of Bristol and lashes they are a coming!  So the moral of the story my friends are awesome, so there!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Merry Christmas Kwanza-akua

While something’s change others stay the same.  I find that the holiday season can bring the best and worst out people.  Some people give generously of themselves to serve man kind.  I have no delusions that I am not really in that category, but I like to think that I can do something nice every now and again.  Some take the season as an excuse to be in a hurry and act like there the only ones who matter.  I habitually find I think of very little other then what’s right in front of my face. 
            I often don’t think what I do matters in the world other then to Suki, and she the only one at the end of the day I care what she thinks.  So no comments on the frivolity that I enjoy.  Today it’s that I am a very lucky mom.  She makes me a better human that I was on my own.  I love nothing more then singing the jem theme song with her.  Or painting her nails, the right way, “mama base coat, polish, top coat and then drip drops”.  I know I created a beauty addict in training.  She’s amazing, silly, stubborn and my baby.

For this I am grateful

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The music made me do it!

This past few weeks have been if nothing else a shit storm of activity, some good most sad and or painful.  Having said that I have been trying to work on a gratitude list of sorts to help eliminate the funk in the air.  I am always lucky to have a funny monkey for a daughter, friends whom let me do my deal and love me along the way, and I like that boyfriend of mine too.  But sometimes the big things don’t seem to matter when depression knocks on your door.  I know all the love in the world sometimes seems too great to take in. 
            While rain drops on roses might work for some people, my favorite things are a little different.  Few things can make me as happy as the NKOTB (new kids on the block for you golden oldies) “summertime” video.  I know they still make videos, and at 5am you can see them on vh1.  So this is pure chicken soup for my soul!  It’s the most ridiculous song and the video is equally as silly, but the part that makes me laugh till I cry is the end.  It’s the original boy band ripping off the backstreet boys with there all while outfits and dancing in moonlit shallow water.  If that’s not enticing enough there is a throw back to the hanging tough dance that brings the magic full circle.  Watch it, its sooo awesome!
            Also I have to say I love the LMFAO.  I don’t care who knows it either!  I love pop music that knows what it is and refuses to take its self to seriously, and these boys are just hear to party rock and I love that.  So watch the “I'm sexy and I know it” video.  There is some amazing cameos, including but not limited too Mr. Ron Jeremy.  Men in Speedos that’s all I can say about it, it made me uncomfortable and giggly all at the same time.  Brilliant!
            So because I am on a music kick, why not talk about nail polish and music!  Because what do I love more then cosmetics?  (Answer: very few things lol)  Miss Katy Perry had a sweet collection with OPI that kicked the crackle polish off to mega proportions and some sweet glitters.  But I have to say I might be more jazzed about the Nicki Minaj collection, yes I need the sweet teal called fly with the super bass shatter on top!  Six awesome polishes that are not for you unadventurous types but mama likes.  Out this January also by OPI.
            So all in all a little break from life to enjoy the simple joys of youtube and, not a bad break from the speed of life.  So with all my best wishes, Cheers!
Ps Andi and I are going to Yoga on sunday, its on the web now so shall it be.....LOL